Our Projects
Right to Live Project
This grand project offers opportunities for paid up young unemployed Dcp-Kenya members who want to support themselves through hiring our Fleet of boda bodas and taxis to run their own transport businesses. A self-help project for members by members, ‘The DCP Fleet Service’ is a stand- alone investment by the DCP Kenya.
Members are invited to invest by contributing money towards acquiring Fleet of Boda Bodas and motor cars (taxis) which are rented out to members (clients) at an agreed fixed weekly hire rate. Clients for this service must be members of DCP-Kenya and are of Youth age range (18- 35 years). The youth must hold an ID and a Certificate of Good Contact from the local police.
The Youth must also have a copy of a title deed from a guarantor who must also sign a document to accept to be a guarantor. All the proceeds for this project in used in the day to day running of the project and the remaining money is distributed to the investors as dividends at the end of each year during the annual general meeting.
All clients who wish to rent out our boda bodas or cars must also sign a n agreement to conduct themselves to our strict DCP Fleet Service Staff Code of Conduct which includes never to involve themselves in any manner that may put the organization’s name into disrepute and to also report any such member of staff who they suspect to be in breach of the Staff Code of Conduct.
All the agreed weekly rent is collected weekly in advance and no one is allowed to use the motor vehicle or boda boda without full payment of the rental fee. The clients shall also sign an agreement to wear a clearly marked Hi Vis uniform with wording “DCP FLEET SERVICE” Right to Live Project. All clients renting cars or bodas bodas have a three months’ probation period within which time the DCP Management can decide to withdraw the car or boda boda without a prior notice.
After the three months clients will be given a notice of one month except if involved in a serious breach of trust which includes being involved in a crime or lack of payment of dues on time for three consecutive weeks. If a car or boda boda is taken away from a client for lack of payment he will be asked to pay up before the title deed is released to the guarantor by our law firm.