Our Projects
Youth Job Creation Project
Youth Job Creation Project aims to run youth workshops in various locations across the country with view to presenting different training, employment and work placement opportunities as well as business start-up support and capital.
The two year project aims to bring together youth from local counties to discuss the various employment opportunities available both at county and national level by inviting various business and employment support agencies which include government departments, parastatals and other local and national businesses enterprises to meet with local youth to showcase the opportunities available for them. The opportunities may include training, employment opportunities, and business start-up as well volunteer opportunities.
The Project is inspired by our over five years of working with Youth in various employ-ability support projects. From our experience, we have found out that many talented young people are left out in many opportunities because they do not know such opportunities exist or because the prospective employers are not doing enough to market these opportunities to the potential beneficiaries.
Following our recent Google project where over 5000 young people benefited from free IT skills training we are more than determined to reach many more young people in helping them reach their full potential.
Our one day Workshops will runs between 9.00am – 5.00pm on the specified dates and venue and comprises of various presentations from various partners. The afternoon sessions are mainly net-working and visiting various stalls of partners to get more information. By end of this project we aim to deliver over 30 workshops across all major towns in Kenya and reach approximately 5000 youth. Out of 5000 participants we envisage one third of youth will directly benefit from the workshops and about the same number will do so indirectly through referrals.
Our target participants are university graduates and undergraduates, business start-ups and KCSE leavers looking for further education and or employment in both formal and informal sector. All workshops are free. Programme of activities/ speakers will be shared at the start of each day so that participants can know about the partners scheduled to make presentations and the time. Our first Workshop is planned to take place sometimes in March 2019, then every other month up to the end of 2020. Our partners are not obliged to participate in all our workshops across the country and can choose which one to attend and which one they want to miss.
To be our project partner, you will need to have a product that you wish to target youth and be able to contribute financially or in kind towards this project. The sort of ‘in kind’ donations we will be looking for are: Meeting Venues, Refreshments, event publicity, goody bags for the participants or allowances for our volunteers etc. We endeavor to notify our partners about the workshop dates and venue well in advance and where possible make some adjustments to accommodate our main partners.
So far we have key government departments, media houses, banking sector and NGO/ civil society who have shown interest in attending our youth workshops.